Nota de Aclaratoria: Revisando entre tantas cosas que escribí en mi vida, encontré tal vez uno de los escritos más claves de mi vida adulta. Dado el cambio que generó en mi vida y que por casualidad lo conseguí escrito en el mismo lugar que había olvidado, quiero compartirlo con ustedes. El mismo escrito tiene notas previas y al pie (Que parece ser una manía mía explicar las cosas de más). Pero bueno, creo que forma parte de mi naturaleza ser así.
NOTA PREVIA: Hay muchas razones por las cuales escribí esto, creo que es poco importante decirlas, lo importante es que están escritas y el cuando las escribí. Puedes preguntar ambas, no puedes preguntar más. Elegí el ingles por ninguna razón en particular, tal vez porque en lo más profundo de mi mente no quiero que entiendas lo que está escrito aqui.
You're the reason because I smoke
You're the reason because I dream
You're The reason of my pain
You're have become a problem in my mind
A problem that I don't know if I can resolve...
I writting this because I don't know what else to do, the choices that I have aren't simple, I the only thing that I want to do is to sleep and never dream of you and anyone again...
I hope that it's only me the one who feel this, that you don't have to deal with the same questions... I really wish you are happy, and all this mess it's only the mess of my not so simple mind.
You don't have to answer this, and I know that the best for me is no answer... because everything is right, and everything is wrong, and everything you will say, will be both...
I don't understand why this is happening, why the only thing that it's in my head is to feel your eyes on me. I can't see why you're such a torment to my head.
What would be an answer to this? What could you say or do to stop this all mess that it has become my mind? Sadly, anything, everything. It's not a burden, if you choose to do nothing, I will understand, don't worry about me, it's only the end of something that my mind is screaming.
I would be so happy if this only a product from my mind, a product of something that I didn't get right. But your eyes betray you, and sadness it's starting to come out...
Tell me to be away, tell me to back off, don't tell me anything, tell me everything, at the end, I really hope that it's not your problem, that it's only mine.
I will not say anymore, because everything is wrong, everything is right, everything will be both...
NOTA AL PIE: Hay cosas que sólamente necesitan ser dichas. Las cosas pueden quedar igual, pueden cambiar, no es tu decisión, tampoco mía, creo que es del tiempo. Debo pedir disculpas por no decir esto en persona, pero realmente no puedo, no puedo hacerlo sin generar el impacto que siento que causaré sin querer.
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